Instructions to Presenters of Oral Presentations

The duration of an oral presentations will be 15min (12min for the presentation & 3min for questions). The slides should be preferably in English; the presentation could be either in English or in Greek.

The presenters should make sure to upload their presentation on the workshop laptop at least half an hour before the session of their talk.


Instructions to Presenters of Poster Presentations

Posters should be preferably in English and the size should be (up to) 110cm H x (up to) 90cm W. Please see the full program for the number of your poster.

The posters could be mantled in the afternoon of October 3 2017 before the welcome ceremony (starting at 5PM) and no later than 9:15 am on the workhsop day (October 4 2017). The posters will remain up during the entire workshop day and be demantled during the 18:00-18:30 coffee break.

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